IDP students will receive research grants in an Administrative Improbity study group
The students of the IDP administrative misconduct group will receive, in September, research scholarship under a joint academic project with the National Confederation of Municipalities - CNM. The objective of the project is to gather empirical data on administrative misconduct actions involving municipal managers.
The research project was conceived by the Administrative Improbity Group created 6 months ago under the leadership of Professor of Administrative and Constitutional Law at IDP Rafael Araripe Carneiro.
Students will analyze 800 rulings from the Superior Court of Justice with the purpose of creating an extensive database on administrative improbity and municipal management, with information on the rates of conviction and reversal in the STJ, duration of the processes, amounts involved and main theses debated .
Members of the group are undergraduate students Isis Barros, Djeison Rios, Matheus Soares Matos, Pedro Paulo Alves Corrêa dos Passos, Renan Carvalho and Túlio Parca, as well as master's student in Public Administration Raul Romão.
Professor Rafael Carneiro highlights the importance of this empirical study. “After 25 years of Law no. 8,429/92, the concept and scope of administrative improbity still generate enormous legal controversies. Collecting accurate data from jurisprudence will certainly enrich the debate.”
The research grants will have an initial duration of 6 months and will be funded by the National Confederation of Municipalities – CNM, which is the largest municipal entity in Brazil. Founded in 1980, CNM is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that seeks to strengthen the autonomy of Municipalities and develop public policies aimed at improving municipal management.
The Academic Cooperation Agreement between IDP and CNM also provides for the First National Congress of Administrative Misconduct, which should be held in Brasilia in early 2019, with the participation of the greatest experts in administrative misconduct of the Judiciary, Public Prosecution Service, Advocacy, Public Management and Academy.