IDP students win national place in competition based on the Harvard Negotiation method
Negotiation Meeting Event discusses negotiation techniques and welcomes professionals and students from all over the world
Born from Harvard studies on Negotiation, the Negotiation Meeting is a global competition, organized by the International Negotiation Competition (INC), with the aim of promoting the art of negotiation and developing training skills, feedback, sharing learning and networking. Divided into stages (Regional, National and International), the event welcomes professionals and students from various countries.
This year, IDP won the place and represents, together with three other educational institutions, the Central-West in the National stage , competing in the International stage. Meet the team:
- Eduardo Machado Dias
- Magaly Palhares
- Flavia Siqueira
- José Maurício de Lima
- Alexandre Van Gualberto
- Caio Carneiro
- Gabriela Moreira de Oliveira
- Maria Gorett de Couto Gomes
- Lucas Pires
- Monique Holanda
- Micaela Tubaki
Among those classified, our team is the only one to participate in the Meeting for the first time. We spoke to ranked students and teachers to find out more. Check out the interview.
- What was it like reaching the national stage?
Professor Eduardo Machado: It was very gratifying to see the dedication of the students. They embraced the idea and dedicated themselves to training. An excellent result, even more so in the context of the pandemic and considering that the majority of students did not have much contact with the subject of negotiation.
Professor José Maurício: Traditionally, meetings are held in person, but this year, due to the COVID19 pandemic, the event took place virtually. Although it was a new experience, it did not cause any harm. It was the first time that IDP participated. Our work was intense, but it was highly gratifying to qualify for the national stage.
Professor Magaly Palhares: I believe that reaching the National stage provided the entire IDP team with a feeling of duty accomplished, of having done our best and reinforced the idea that teaching-learning goes beyond the classroom.
Student Gabriela Moreira: It was intense and stressful. The Meeting surprised us, but, as we were very aligned and connected among the team, we managed to evolve quickly and surpass three veteran teams. I would summarize the result as: teamwork, through high performance methodology, team building , unity and support from teachers and competitors.
Student Lucas Pires: At the beginning of the meetings, I found a video from last year of the champion pair and I noticed that they were in the competition for the first time. Then I realized that, if we dedicated ourselves and studied, we would have a chance to win. It was a surprise, but at the same time it wasn't, because we fought to achieve it. The team spirit reigned.
- What has it been like following this group?
Professor Eduardo Machado: The group is very dedicated and engaged. We have been holding three to four weekly meetings, with negotiation simulations. Everyone connects from home and plays a role in the simulation, so that we have a good performance, as we did in the regional.
Professor José Maurício: A negotiator needs to develop specific skills, such as empathetic, creative, clear, safe and objective communication. It is important to be proactive and know very well what you are negotiating, in addition to studying the behavior of negotiators. Fortunately, the group understood these needs and dedicated themselves very diligently. Today we have a group of highly qualified negotiators.
Professor Magaly Palhares: It's been a great gift. During these months of training, with sequential meetings, I realized that the IDP team has become a very cooperative team, in which each person is, certainly, a whole!
- What are your expectations for the next phase?
Professor Eduardo Machado: The expectation is for continued growth. We want to have a good result to participate in the international stage, but the main thing is that students start to better manage their emotions and learn to deal with the surprises of this environment. We want to make them more prepared to resolve conflicts and impasses, efficiently and economically, without having to resort to the judiciary.
Professor José Maurício: We are very excited for the next phase. The classified students are very committed and studies have already resumed. Professor Eduardo Dias has led the group with great seriousness and competence.
Professor Magaly Palhares: The next phase will be in English and will involve teams from five regions of Brazil, which requires even greater commitment from participants. But it has been very rewarding to see everyone's individual growth and support from colleagues towards those who will be on the front line. They truly formed a team of champions!
Student Gabriela Moreira: We have evolved a lot and I believe that, during the rounds and training, we will improve further. I don't like working in a competitive environment, but rather cooperatively, and I believe that we have the technical qualities to be classified as good negotiators. Probably, this ability can make us among the qualified teams in the national stage.
Student Lucas Pires: The next stage will be in English, this makes us a little apprehensive. Our team has a difference that is being together at all times. Whoever speaks better English helps the other, but it really gives you butterflies in your stomach.
- What are the consequences of this participation for the IDP?
Professor Eduardo Machado: Participating in a competition like this, in which the best institutions in the Central-West compete, and achieving a good result demonstrates that IDP is always at the forefront. We are pioneers in implementing new disciplines and initiatives. This result shows that the IDP is aligned with the practices of the most recognized universities in the world.
Professor José Maurício: IDP, which is an institution that values the excellence of its courses, fully supported our participation in the event and thus gains more visibility. Students of the Law and Public Administration Course have the opportunity to develop important skills that are essential for professional development.
Professor Magaly Palhares: IDP students are having the opportunity to expand their knowledge regarding the use of the Harvard Negotiation method. Our team made history by participating in the 1st competition in a virtual version and by getting a place in the National stage. The IDP has been recognized nationally and internationally for participating in the Negotiation Meeting.
- What did you learn from the Negotiation Meeting?
Student Gabriela Moreira: I learned that the important thing is not to close all agreements, but to develop good agreements. And we don't need to be in a hurry or want to have control, but we need to be prepared, trained, calm and in harmony with our team.
Student Lucas Pires: I learned not to just look at myself. “win-win” negotiation model , based on Harvard techniques, in which both sides benefit. I can apply it to my personal life. It is a reconstruction of our social role.
- What would you say to other IDP students who don't know about Meeting or have never participated in an academic competition?
Student Gabriela Moreira: The Meeting is a great development opportunity for a good lawyer, because we work on very important skills for our work. Plus, the chance to create deeper bonds with a team is priceless. It really is an incredible experience of belonging and togetherness.
Student Lucas Pires: The greatest opportunities in life are hidden. Today, within the group, I know that it was really worth looking for this one. Therefore, look for new opportunities. If we dedicate ourselves, we can achieve it. I'm giving this interview today because, one day, I chased this opportunity and fought to keep it.
- What are the impacts of this activity on your academic journey?
Student Gabriela Moreira: I believe that I have greatly improved my skills as a mediator and I am much better at identifying the needs and interests of the parties. I also had an improvement in my creative ability and conflict resolution, in addition to the development of argumentative rhetoric and leadership. They will be differentiators for my professional future as a lawyer.
Student Lucas Pires: I intend to study and delve into this line. Harvard online course It really is an area that has a necessary demand and that I ended up falling in love. Especially in Harvard methods, because they are revolutionary.