Constitution, Democracy and Challenges of Contemporary Law
Call for Proposals for Working Groups
The Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP) invites master's students and doctoral students in Law from the Central-West region to submit proposals for participation in groups of I work at the II Research Seminar for Postgraduate Students in Law in the Midwest, according to the specifications of this call.
Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs in Law, with the aim of promoting a democratic and critical space for debate and the improvement of research carried out by Master's and Doctorate students in Law, from the Central region. West of Brazil.
In its second edition, which will take place between November 22nd and 26th, 2021 , with the theme “ Constitution, Democracy and Challenges of Contemporary Law ” , debates will be promoted regarding the legal implications of social, political and economic issues in the country, as well as on the current state of the disciplinary field of Law.
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, this version of the seminar will be held virtually, providing the connection between master's students and doctoral students in Law in the Central region. Oeste, the exchange of experiences on their study topics and the sharing of the theoretical and methodological collection of the discipline.
Register here
When registering, it is recommended that you carefully read the rules for submitting works, described here.
About Working Groups
The Working Groups (GTs) seek dialogue between original research arising from the Master's or Doctorate experience (academic or professional), whether related to theses or dissertations, ongoing or defended, or other research activities.
To participate in the event, the proponent must send a summary of their work for evaluation and, if approved, must forward the article in full.
In the GTs, students, whose work is approved for participation in the event, will present the main points of their work, with the coordination of a teacher and the support of members of the Seminar's Scientific Committee.
In each working group, 4 to 6 abstracts will be presented. Each presentation will last a maximum of 20 minutes and, at the end of all presentations, a debate on the work will be opened, lasting a maximum of 30 minutes. The GTs will be held in online Zoom rooms, the links to which will be available on the event page and, depending on the volume of submissions, they may take place simultaneously.
The selection of works will be carried out by the Seminar's Scientific Committee and the criteria for evaluation will be: timeliness and relevance of the proposal and suitability to the Seminar theme. The selected abstracts will be published on September 17, 2021 .
Rules for Submitting Proposals
To participate in the seminar, the applicant must send , by September 1, 2021 , a summary of up to 1,500 words , followed by keywords ( between three and five ) and preliminary bibliographic references . The summary must comply with ABNT standards and highlight: the research objective, methodology, hypotheses (if any) and preliminary research findings. If the submitted abstract is approved, the proponent must send the article in full , by October 22, 2021 , containing between 4,500 and 7,000 words , without including bibliographic references, observing ABNT standards and standards established in this call.
master's students (xs) and doctoral students (xs) Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs is permitted , upon proof of active enrollment in the 2021.2 semester of your Institution. Furthermore, the participation of masters(xs) and doctors(xs) , as long as they do not exceed two years of qualification.
There is no definition regarding the themes for submissions, only relevance to the Seminar theme (Constitution, Democracy and Challenges of Contemporary Law) is requested. After selecting the works, the presentations will be organized according to the approach of the works and by thematic affinity.
Job proposals may be sent in Portuguese and English.
The process for submitting work proposals is completely online, via form . Registrations via telephone or email will not be accepted .
IDP will not be responsible for registrations or works not received due to possible technical problems or network congestion.
The proponent may submit a “single proposal” to be inserted, by the Scientific Committee, in the relevant Working Group. It is also possible to submit proposals for a Complete Working Group (from 4 to 6 abstracts), provided that, in this case, there is the participation of at least two different institutions and both are located in the Central-West region.
When registering, the proponent who wishes to submit a single proposal to form a Working Group must:
a) Fill out the registration form with your personal data as the main author , indicating the institutional link;
b) Indicate whether the work is co-authored and, if so, also insert the personal data of the co-author(x) ;
c) Attach, in a single file and in PDF format : Title of the work; summary in up to 1,500 words; Keywords (between 3 and 5); and Preliminary bibliographic references.
Job Formatting Requirements
For the initial submission, only compliance with the requirements described above is requested. However, to submit the final article of approved works, it is necessary to observe the following structure:
The final work must have a cover containing the following information:
a) Name of the event, in capital letters;
b) Full name of the author(s)(x) or authors(xs), in capital letters;
c) Title of the work in capital letters and in bold (identical to the title of the approved proposal);
d) Subtitle (if any), in lowercase letters;
e) Location (city) of the institution to which the work is being presented, in capital letters;
f) Year.
General instructions
a) File format: PDF;
b) Page: A4 (21cm x 29.7);
c) Margins: 3 cm top; 3 cm left; 2 cm lower; 2 cm right;
d) The manuscript must be between 4,500 and 7,000 words, not including bibliographic references;
e) The manuscript must observe the basic structure of the scientific article (Title, Authorship, Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Development, Conclusion and Bibliographic References);
f) The title and subtitle (if any) must remain identical to those initially submitted and approved for participation in the event;
g) The summary must remain with the initial design submitted and approved, only allowing the addition of new developments of the research, such as results and conclusions;
h) Insert on the first page a footnote referring to authorship, identifying the course and institution of the author(x) or authors(xs);
i) Keywords must be between three and five;
j) Body text: Arial font, size 12; justified text; paragraph with 1.25 cm indentation; line spacing of 1.5 cm, without spaces before and after the paragraph;
k) Citations: preferably, author-date system;
l) Bibliographic references must comply with ABNT standards.
Sign up by clicking here
Contact for clarification of doubts: seminario.ppgd@idp.edu.br