International Project “Breaking Resistance Social Justice Documentary (BRSJD) Project”
The IDP, at the initiative of the Professional Master in Law, and in agreement with Shepherd University, Georgia College and the Christus University Center, opens a notice of participation for the international project “ Breaking Resistance Social Justice Documentary (BRSJD) Project ”.
The Project is a 20-hour Extension Course, whose objective is to allow participants to acquire an in-depth understanding of gender relations, and the systems and social issues of discrimination that impact the academic community at an international level.
The work will be carried out based on the discussion of the documentary “ Gender Revolution ”, produced by Katie Couric. The North American journalist's work addresses the biological foundations of gender identity, such as relationships between children whose gender differs from the sex they were assigned at birth, or even those relating to partners' transitions to a different gender identity.
lato sensu postgraduate , master's or doctorate levels in Law can register for the Selection Process. The selection will assess the candidate's availability and interest and their ability to reflect on Human Rights, Gender Relations and Social Justice.
Registration will be carried out electronically only. The candidate must complete the application form available on the website https://airtable.com/shrwAWgTPcTXGT5hk by 11:59 pm on September 18, 2019. The final result will be announced on 09/23/2019.
The notice is now available at the following link: https://www.idp.edu.br/convenios/convenios-internationals/