Launch of the book “Theory in practice – An intellectual biography”

The passage of Minister Teori Albino Zavascki (1948-2017) in the judiciary constitutes one of the most beautiful pages of national jurisprudence. His prominent performance in three different courts over almost 28 years represents an invaluable contribution to Brazilian law, in precedents that shed light on important legal institutes.
This work aims to analyze the judgments in which the most notable votes cast by Minister Teori Zavascki at the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region, the Superior Court of Justice and the highest Brazilian Court, the Federal Supreme Court, are revealed.
Minister Teori Zavascki's ideas and legal reasoning are commented on by former colleagues in the judiciary, judges, public and private lawyers and former collaborators, who for years have closely followed his memorable production.
In addition to being a tribute to the great jurist, it is about rescuing his legacy, presenting to current and future generations the sophisticated thinking of a magistrate who entered the country's history. The work was designed and coordinated by Dr. Claudio Xavier Seefelder Filho and Daniel Coussirat de Azevedo. It was attended by Ministers from the STJ and the STF (Min. Luiz FUX, Min. Luis Roberto Barroso, Min. Eliana Calmon Alves, Min. Ellen Gracie Northfleet, Min. Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, Min. Gilson Dipp, Min. Grace Mendonça , Min. José de Castro Meira and Min. Nelson Azevedo Jobim). The work will be launched at the STF on a date to be defined.
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