The Center for Law, Internet and Society Studies of the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law (CEDIS-IDP) and CIPL have partnered in organizing events and projects related to the topic of data protection in Brazil since 2015. In July 2019, we launched the LGPD Efectiva project with the aim of promoting and stimulating the effective implementation and regulation of the General Data Protection Law - LGPD through the sharing of information and best practices.
With a renewed brand and partnership, CEDIS-IDP and CIPL are pleased to announce a series of seven events to be organized in 2021 and four articles planned for publication during this year. The topics covered in the project are also in line with the strategy and priorities of the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority – ANPD.
Project participants include local and global data privacy experts from leading organizations, law firms, the public sector, civil society and academia.
Promote the implementation of the LGPD and dialogue between stakeholders involved in this implementation.
facilitating information sharing.
Revealing political and regulatory data protection developments in Brazil and around the world.
Inform and promote the constructive and innovative interpretation of the main LGPD requirements.
Facilitating consistent application of LGPD.
Designing global experiences
Provide a forum for discussion and reflection on the implementation and challenges of the LGPD.
Contributing and learning from betting practices.
Rationalizing implementation measures
Promote effective, innovative and constructive regulatory strategies.
Drawing on international regulatory experiences.
Reflecting on the essential role of ANPD
Untangling the delays of the new Brazilian data protection law - Lei Geral de Protecção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD)
The Role of the Person in Charge in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD)
Second Global Data Protection Dialogue
Implementation of the Legal Bases for Processing under the LGPD and Other Data Protection Laws: Legitimate Interests and Consent
LGPD implementation in the context of Global Data Protection
Implementing the legal bases for processing under LGPD and other data protection laws: legitimate interests and consent
Managing Data Rights Issues under the LGPD: Organizational Challenges
Managing data subject rights under the LGPD: main challenges and international experience
Appointing a data protection officer in the LGPD: organizational challenges
Appointing a data protection officer in the LGPD: main challenges and international experience
Appointing a data protection officer in the LGPD: main challenges and international experience
Effective LGPD implementation: understanding the impact of the LGPD, mapping the data lifecycle, and implementing data privacy accountability and compliance programs
practical steps to effectively implement the LGPD (plus the release of the new CIPL & CEDIS-IDP document and the OneTrust LGPD tool)
Launch of the article “The Role of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) under the New Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD)
Determining the Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data under the LGPD
April 23, 2020 Webinar: Applying the GDPR risk-based approach: How can organizations prioritize risk-based compliance and accountability?
Top priorities for organizations when implementing the LGPD
LGPD - Implementation and Harmonization with International Data Protection Regimes
Global Data Privacy Dialogues