Masters in Law: new dates!
Candidates interested in enrolling in IDP’s Masters in Law have a few more days to finalize their applications! At IDP, in addition to finding a space that values practical activities and the academic growth of students, you can also count on teachers who are references in the academic and professional world.
Registration is open for the following programs:
Professional Master in Law
Until 12/02/2021 . Visit: https://www.idp.edu.br/mestrate/professional-em-direito/ or contact us via telephone or WhatsApp at (61) 99647-3674 .
Until 02/12/2021. Visit: https://www.idp.edu.br/mestrado/academico-em-direito/ or contact us via phone or Whatsapp at (61) 99647-3674 .
Professional Master in Law, Justice and Development - São Paulo
Until 12/02/2021. Visit: https://www.idp.edu.br/mestrate/mestrate-professional-em-direito-sao-paulo/ or contact via telephone or whatsapp at (61) 99647-3674 .
Until 02/28/2021 . Visit: https://www.idp.edu.br/mestrado/academico-em-direito-teresina/ or contact us via phone or Whatsapp at (61) 99647-3674 .