Oxford researcher presents data on trust in journalism

A member of the “Trust in News” project, Camila Mont'Alverne will address the Brazilian public's perceptions about the news in a lecture on 11/17
Developed at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, linked to the University of Oxford (UK), the Trust in News investigates the trust placed by the public in journalism in different countries, including Brazil. On November 17, 2021, Wednesday, at 12:30 pm, postdoctoral researcher Camila Mont'Alverne presents the results of the project in a lecture entitled “How the Brazilian public perceives the news: insights from the Trust in News project”.
Added to other Reuters Institute productions, including the well-known annual Digital News Report Trust in News project brings a qualitative approach to understanding the public's expectations and perceptions in relation to journalism. Therefore, the lecture that will be led by Mont'Alverne is aimed at postgraduate students and researchers in journalism. Trust in the news is one of the themes that have mobilized recent studies in the area, especially due to the wide circulation of misinformation.
The activity is promoted by the Center for Studies in Data and Computational Journalism (DataJor), linked to the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), and the School of Communication, Creativity and Arts (Ecom/IDP). It also has the support of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, at the University of Oxford, and the Journalism Research Center (Nupejor), at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
The lecture will be broadcast via Zoom and the IDP YouTube channel, under the mediation of professor Marília Gehrke. Interested parties who wish to obtain certification must register via the link https://www.idp.edu.br/eventos/palestra-como-o-publico-brasileiro-percebe-as-noticias-insights-do-projeto-trust-in -news/ . There will be space for questions and answers. The lecture will be given in Portuguese.
About the speaker
Camila Mont'Alverne is a postdoctoral researcher at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, linked to the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, working on the Trust in News . She has a PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil.
11/17/21, Wednesday, 12:30 pm
Language: Portuguese
Broadcast: Youtube and Zoom
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