Episode 18: Inequality in elections, with Irapuã Santana
In an unequal country, it is not surprising that elections also reflect inequality, including racial inequality: from elected representatives to campaign money and TV time.
To clarify this topic, this week professor Pedro Fernando Nery invites Irapuã Santana, doctor in law from UERJ, member of IBDP and legal consultant for Livres - one of those responsible for what could be a major change in this reality.
To find out more
Decision and vote:
Precautionary Measure in the Allegation of Non-compliance with Fundamental Precept 738 Federal District
Vote by Minister Luis Roberto Barroso
Number of black people in the Chamber grows, but does not reach a quarter of the total
Black bench in Congress is underrepresented in command posts
PSOL deputy reports difficulty accessing the plenary and Chamber spaces even with an identification pin