Episode 20: Education, with Gregório Grisa
After all, what is the role of education in social inequality? In the twentieth episode of the season about inequality, Economisto welcomes Gregório Grisa, professor of IFRS and doctor in Education from UFRGS to talk about a topic of interest to everyone, and yet poorly managed in Brazil: education and its impacts on our lives society.
To find out more:
Data shows that municipalities that invest more in education do better in Ideb
Articles on Medium:
Gregório Grisa's Medium page
Class Structure, Education and Fall in Income Inequality (2002-2011)
IPEA: Discussion text number 2447
Characterization of educational inequalities with public data
New Measures of Education and Educational Inequality for the First Half of the 20th Century in Brazil
Revisiting Intergenerational Education Mobility in Brazil
School context and educational indicators: unequal conditions for implementing an educational assessment policy
Publications from institutions:
OECD: Education at a Glance 2019
Synthesis of Social Indicators: An analysis of the living conditions of the Brazilian population