Undertake BSB #12 | Deborah Oliveira – wecare and Bruno Oliveira – MediPreço
A survey carried out by HBR in 2018 on the average age of a successful startup founder brought some very interesting data. Among those who have started a business, older entrepreneurs have a considerably higher success rate. There are several factors that can explain the age advantage, but I draw attention to one in particular: work experience plays a critical role. In this episode, we chatted with Deborah Oliveira (@deh_soliveira) from wecare (@sejawecare) and Bruno Oliveira (@brunooliveira1014) from Medipreço (@medipreco) who have extensive experience in the private market before founding the startups they manage today.
In this chat, we talk about the lessons that a flexible career like this can bring to managing a startup. The full interview is available on the main podcast aggregators, on YouTube and also on the IDP Podcasts website, IDPTalks.
Presentation: Caroline Lopes
Coordination: Barbara Lins
Editing: Felipe Mux and Nelson Galvão
Art: Max Lincoln
Video: Explore Por Aí - Audiovisual Productions
Companies: https://www.sejawecare.com.br/ and https://portal.medipreco.com.br/#/para-empresas