Undertake BSB #13| Coworking, with Binho Nogueira (The Brain) and Deise Nicoletto (Impact Hub)
Deise Nicoletto (@denicoletto) from Impact Hub (@impacthubbsb) and Binho Nogueira from The Brain (@thebraincoworking) spoke about the movement in the coworking market during the pandemic and expectations for the future, about impact businesses and the purpose of this type of community here in Brasília. The full interview is available on the main podcast aggregators, on YouTube and also on the IDP Podcasts website, IDPTalks.
Presentation: Caroline Lopes
Coordination: Barbara Lins
Editing: Felipe Mux and Nelson Galvão
Art: Max Lincoln
Video: Explore Por Aí - Produções Audiovisuais
Companies: https://brasilia.impacthub.net/ and https://thebraincoworking.com.br/