Undertake BSB #06 | The Myth of the Entrepreneur – Sebrae (Eliane Raye) and Gaúcha Prendada (Daiane Wolff)
October 5th is the day of those who make things happen, National Micro and Small Business Day is celebrated. 98% of the country's business universe is made up of MSEs, which are largely responsible for 52% of the jobs created in Brazil and 40% of the wage bill. Micro and small businesses are part of our daily lives, be it the bakery on the corner, the grocery store, the cafeteria, the shoe store and a multitude of other products and services.
Eliane Raye from Sebrae (@sebraenodf) spoke about how Sebrae can help micro and small businesses in the city, and Daiane (@wolff.fialho) from Gaúcha Prendada (@gaucha.prendada) shared with us how she transformed family recipes in a business and how the pandemic ended up driving transformations!
Also listen on the IDPTalks website, https://www.idp.edu.br/idptalks/
Presentation: Caroline Lopes
Coordination: Barbara Lins
Editing: Nelson Galvão and Felipe Mux
Art: Max Lincoln
Video: Explore Por Aí - Produções Audiovisuais
Empresas : Sebrae, SebraeLab, Gaúcha Prendada
Indications: ALI Seabre Program