Professors Luiz Rodrigues Wambier and Eduardo Talamini launch new editions of the Advanced Civil Procedure Course

In the Advanced Civil Procedure Course, the authors, Luiz Rodrigues Wambier and Eduardo Talamini, bring together the most relevant institutes of Civil Procedural Law, combining clear and objective writing with the necessary in-depth analysis of each of the themes they propose to develop. It is a didactic and complete collection, covering the syllabus of important higher education institutions in the country and offering the reader an extraordinarily useful source of study, consultation and research. In this 20th edition of volumes 1 and 2 and 18th edition of volumes 3 and 4, the authors updated the jurisprudential and legislative references, giving special focus to theses set out in repetitive appeals and with recognized general repercussions, summary statements and decisions in control actions of constitutionality.