Registration open for “2nd Congress on Private International Law”

The 2nd Private International Law Congress is now open for registration. The meeting, which will take place from the 4th to the 8th of July in a hybrid format and hosted in person at the facilities of the Faculty of Law at USP, has a scientific and international character and is organized by the Brazilian Institute of Private International Law (IBDPr) and is promoted from the Department of International and Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law of USP (DIN-FDUSP) and support from the Institute of International Law and International Relations and the firm Lee, Brock and Camargo Advogados (LBCA). This year's theme will be "Private International Law and Substantive Law" .
Coordinated by Professors Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Mônaco and Maria Rosa Loula - respectively the DIP professor at USP and President of IBDPr and the DIP professor at IDP and Vice President of IBDPr, the Congress has a scientific committee, made up of professors: Carmen Tibúrcio (UERJ), Cláudia Lima Marques (RFRGS), Dário Moura Vicente (University of Lisbon), Hugues Fulchiron (University Lyon 3), Paulo Borba Casella (USP), Roberta Clerici (University of Milan), Rui Manuel Gens de Moura Ramos (University of Coimbra) and Sabine Corneloup (University Paris 2).
The dynamics of the Congress include, daily, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, three conferences in a hybrid format; from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm — debate session, also in a hybrid format, and from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm — three simultaneous sessions with the presentation of registered and selected works, in an online format. All activities will take place on a dedicated platform and the complete schedule is on the homepage .
Registered participants who have followed 75% of the activities will be entitled to a certificate of participation in the Congress. The registration fee will be R$50.00 for students and R$100.00 for professionals.
Click HERE for more information!