SELECTION OF RESEARCHERS FOR THE GROUP “Women and Democracy: Income and Gender Justice”

This selection is intended for the recruitment of 05 (five) researchers (s), and it is directed to undergraduate and postgraduate students, primarily of the law and social sciences of any institution of higher education, Brazilian or foreign, who have Interest in research in the context of women's rights, gender equality, public policies for material equality and democratic commitments, the dismantling of structural sexism and related themes, noting that candidates of the two headquarters (OS) - Brazilian Institute of Teaching, Development and Research (IDP) and Christus University Center (Unichristus) - will have priority for the selection in case of a tie.
Leaders: Teachers Dras. Monica Sapucaia Machado, from the Brazilian Institute of Teaching, Development and Research (IDP) and Denise Almeida de Andrade, Christus University Center (Unichristus) - Ceará
Registration: Email SearchesmulhereseDemocracy@gmail.com
Term: until 23:59 (Brasília time) Day 16.05.2022 (Monday)
Vacancies: 5
Public: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Law and Social Sciences)