STJ promotes event on General Data Protection Law
On the 27th and 28th of May, last Monday and Tuesday, there is the International Seminar on General Data Protection Law, coordinated by IDP teachers Laura Schertel and Danilo Doneda, along with STJ Minister Ricardo Villas- Cueva boas. At the event, which will be held at the Superior Court of Justice, will be discussed the challenges for the effective implementation of Law No. 13.709/2018 - General Law on Personal Data Protection (LGPD).
For IDP Professor and Event Coordinator, Laura Schertel, as it is a new law and directly interferes with people's daily lives, it is very important to debate the topic. “The idea of the seminar is to debate the fundamentals of data protection, as well as the architecture of the General Data Protection Law, reflecting on how we can expand the data protection culture in Brazil and effectively implement the new legislation. With this, participants will be able, in addition to reflecting on the central elements of this topic, to think about how to apply them in their respective entities or companies to assist in the processes of adapting to the law”, explains the Professor.
The event will be attended, among others, the deputy Orlando Silva, as well as the teachers of USP Tércio Sampaio Ferraz and Otavio Luis Rodrigues Junior, the professor of PUC-RS Ingo Sarlet, the professor of UFRJ Carlos Affonso Souza, UnB teacher Ana Frazão , as well as representatives of technology companies, such as Google, Facebook and IBM.