The role of the National Personal Data Protection Authority (ANPD) according to the new LGPD
The Center for Law, Internet and Society of the Brasiliense Institute of Public Law's (CEDIS-IDP) and the Center for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) publish the report “The Role of the National Authority for Personal Data Protection (ANPD) according to the new law General Personal Data Protection (LGPD) ” .
The text highlights the need for the Brazilian government to establish the ANPD immediately, in order to guide society on its application. Based on a detailed analysis of the LGPD and its standards that require greater concreteness and specification, the report analyzes priority aspects to be considered by the ANPD, in order to optimize its initial resources and obtain the most effective results for data protection. personnel in Brazil.
The report is the first in a series of texts and materials, to be produced within the scope of the IDP/CIPL project “Implementation and Effective Regulation of the LGPD”. The project aims to help the consistent implementation of the General Data Protection Law, by encouraging debates and sharing information and good practices. To achieve this, the project counts on the participation of experts in data protection in Brazil and around the world, as well as representatives of companies, law firms, the public sector and civil society.
The file is available in English and Portuguese, and is accompanied by two infographics.
Link to Download: https://www.idp.edu.br/centro-de-pesquisa-cepes/centro-de-studos-de-direito-internet-e--societh-cedis/