Three years into effect of the LGPD: the main advances in data protection in Brazil
The Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association will promote the event in honor of Professor Danilo Doneda: “Three years of validity of the LGPD: the main advances in data protection in Brazil”.
The online event will take place next Monday (17), from 9 am to 6 pm (Brasília time), and is organized by the Special Data Protection Commissions, chaired by Rodrigo Badaró, and the Digital Law Commission, chaired by professor Laura Schertel Mendes.
Several members of CEDIS/IDP will participate in the event. At the opening, we will have the participation of Prof. Laura Schertel Mendes, Estela Aranha and Mônica Fujimoto.
Diego Machado will be the moderator of panel 1: "Fundamental rights and data protection: The challenges for realizing the fundamental right to the protection of personal data in Brazil".
Bianca Kremer will be one of the speakers on panel 2: "Data protection and artificial intelligence: Interfaces between data protection and the regulation of artificial intelligence".
For more information about the full program and registration, visit: https://centraleventos.oab.org.br/event/679/tres-anos-de-vigencia-da-lgpd-os-principais-avancos-na-protecao- data-in-brazil-tribute-to-danilo-doneda