Understand the various possibilities for postponing the LGPD
The Center for Information Technology and Society (CIPL) and the Center for Studies of Law, Internet and Society of Brasiliense Institute of Public Law (Cenis-IDP) prepared a graph to help in understanding the various possibilities of delaying the entry into force of LGPD . Although MP 959/2020 has postponed the law until May 3, 2021, this measure is still subject to approval, and there are still many uncertainties about what the final date will be.
⚠️ Note that the postponement of the LGPD only concerns articles applicable to controllers and operators. The articles related to the formation of the National Data Protection Agency (ANPD) have been in force since December 28, 2018. Therefore, the ANPD must be established immediately.
Better understand the various postponement possibilities here: https://www.huntonprivacyblog.com/2020/04/30/brazilian-pressent-provisional-delays-lgpd-applicability/