Making plans can sometimes be very stressful, but it becomes necessary when we talk about charting new paths towards our professional future. We know that choosing a profession is not usually the easiest task in the world, but something that certainly helps with this choice is knowing a little more about the possibilities they have to offer. If you are wondering if the world of advertising is for you and want to know a little more about it, you have arrived at the right text!
When you think about advertising, what's the first thing that crosses your mind? Is it the publiposts (sponsored posts) that influencers make about a product on social media or the Cursed Ponies that won't leave your head after hearing it just once? None of these alternatives are far from advertising work. Professionals in this area are behind almost all the products and services we consume.
Having creativity is a positive point for anyone looking to enter this market. But don't be discouraged if you don't consider yourself the most creative person in the world, this is not a predominant factor in the profession. In fact, you can work in different areas within the advertising market, see what they are:

After swimming in this sea of possibilities that is advertising, we want to know which one did you find your match? But we have already said that you don't even need to suffer in advance when choosing a place to study and become a complete professional for this market.
IDP has an undergraduate course focused on offering practical and contemporary experience in the communications market. Throughout your degree, we will help you find your place in the world. To find out more, read our Advertising Career Guide.
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