In recent weeks we have been talking a lot about brands here, a current and relevant subject that needs to be discussed not only by professionals in the field but also by those who want to set up their own business: along your path, have you ever come across the term Branding? If you know it but have never been able to fully assimilate the meaning or if you are on the team that has no idea what it is about but wants to learn in a practical and objective way, continue reading and we will help you.
You want your business to be recognized in the market and become a sales success, right?
Branding is the set of actions aligned with the positioning, purpose and values of a brand, it aims to help you awaken sensations and create conscious and unconscious connections with your consumers, which will be decisive in choosing your brand when it comes to purchasing decision.
Brand management
Good brand management is capable of creating real connections and transmitting business values in a transparent way, adding value to the business and generating engagement. The branding process is complex and involves a lot of strategic work so that the relationship with your customers is effective.
Building bonds with the consumer is much more than creating a logo, it goes from understanding in depth who your target audience is, through creating the brand's visual identity and arriving at its consistent personality. During this journey, some guiding questions need to be answered such as ''What is my brand?'' ''How does it want to be recognized?'' ''What are the differentiators it brings to the market?''
Shall we look at a practical example?
If we talk about a brand that has a chain of restaurants and mostly uses red and yellow colors, does anything come to mind? Now think about two arcs... nothing? This brand adapted the foreign names of its restaurants according to Brazilian regionalism. Ok, one last tip: two burgers, lettuce, cheese, special sauce, onion, pickles, on a sesame seed bun.

''I love all of this so much!''
It was easy, right? McDonald's branding is a success story when we talk about branding in theory and practice. The striking colors are present throughout the composition of the brand's visual elements, the iconic yellow arches have already become a reference in our imagination, the mascot, which at first glance may be a little scary, grew up with the millennial generation singing and dancing all the jingles that stick in your head , as well as a more than special touch of all verbal communication that is beyond humanized, thus managing to create a close and lasting relationship with your customers, who feel close to the brand.
There are so many well thought out and executed brand reinforcement elements that only brands that know very well where they came from and where they want to go can orchestrate all of this (with an extremely qualified and talented team). Did you feel the peace and tranquility in the eyes of someone who knows that their loyal audience will be on their side? Now tell us which brand has a special place in your heart, whether through colors, language or positioning.

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