If a few years ago it was difficult to hear someone talk about a podcast, today the reality is different. The consumption of audio programs has grown exponentially, information that has not gone unnoticed by large companies. Million-dollar investments and project creation are proof that podcasts are here to stay in the world of content!
Born in 2006 as a music streaming service, today Spotify has one of the largest podcast catalogs. The platform saw all this potential back in 2010, when monthly listeners were no more than 32 million. A number that doubled in 2018, reaching the mark of 73 million.
Data like this could not be ignored and, in the last two years, the platform has invested almost US$900 million in production technology and technology companies for podcasts. And the investment doesn't stop there, today Spotify brings together several specific projects after purchasing copyrights for exclusive shows.
After all these investments and programs with big names on the platform, Spotify started to host not just 2,500 podcasts, but 2 million programs, all in the last three years alone. More than 600 of these titles are completely exclusive, such as “The Joe Rogan Experience”, “The Michelle Obama Podcast” and “É noia minha”.
Content marketing with podcast
Proof that podcasts are increasingly gaining ground in the world of communication is the fact that companies from different segments are launching their own programs, as was done by Natura Musical (Natura's culture platform).
At the end of January 2021, the company launched the podcast “We Meet in Music”. program aimed at fostering conversations about diversity, ancestry, empowerment, community and discussing the role of culture in building an egalitarian and inclusive society.
The program is produced by Virtue, an agency that emerged within Vice and is currently one of the largest producers of cultural content. The podcast is presented by Sarah Oliveira and has already featured names such as Gilberto Gil, Emicida and Linn da Quebrada among the guests.
Natura's investment in podcasts doesn't end there: In 2020, in partnership with Mamilos , it launched a five-episode miniseries about domestic violence. All of this is proof that the company saw that audio content is an opportunity to reach and engage a wider audience and have a space to share conversations and reflections.
And if you have reflections that need to be shared, don't miss the chance to get your podcast off the ground! We have the perfect opportunity for you to make your voice echo around, the Podcaster Challenge - Voices that Echo , share your voice, after all, your idea can change the world!
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