Text produced by Amanda Galvão, Advertising student at IDP
Data science is a recently created empirical and multidisciplinary science to collect and analyze a set of relevant data in order to develop current and even future problems in a given area. Find out how it can influence the area of communication.
Faced with unstoppable technological advances, the world became integrated into a network and needed a professional who carried out a study to examine the thousands of data and derive new insights to make an intelligent decision.
Data science and communication
This profession has helped both corporations and the services of self-employed professionals. Through data, it is possible to answer questions, such as: “what is missing in my company?” “What does the public expect?” “What is the market trend?” and even “is this information true?” in the case of journalism.
In other words, great solutions to professional impasses can be resolved with the help of a data scientist. To do this, they use the methodology of statistics, probability, artificial intelligence, and other techniques, which are translated by data science to present the final result in a didactic way.
Currently, communication work, such as Marketing and Journalism, required adaptation to the virtual environment, applying virtual content. As a result, various pieces of information are spread daily, requiring an efficient analysis of all of them.
From this, Data Journalism and Data Marketing were created to increase the performance of news portals and advertisements, respectively.
Data marketing
Through the search for data for marketing, such as understanding and preventing public behavior, checking trends and analyzing the company's goals, it is possible to outline strategies with a high potential for success.
Great examples of this work are algorithms. The use of algorithms is a solution made possible by data analysis in order to increase the reach of e-commerce.
The algorithm is capable of capturing diverse information from each consumer, in a personalized way, such as geographic location, lifestyle, personal problems - health, self-esteem and relationships, for example.
All of this is very useful for company marketing, as they seek, through them, to offer a practical solution to their problem to the target audience. With the algorithm, companies can buy personal data from people within their niche and present their product or service to those who need it.
Data journalism
In data journalism, there is an interest in investigating the content that has been or will be published, since Fake News has gradually been installed in various media on the internet.
It is common knowledge that news can have a major impact on the world, which is why the data journalist checks the legitimacy of the published content, being able to deny false news. In other words, this profession becomes extremely important for the functioning of democracy, as it restricts the space for high manipulation, in addition to guaranteeing credibility to news portals that seek verification before publication.
Thus, it is clear that the data scientist's job is to facilitate the corporation's communication with the public.
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