To guarantee the high quality standard expected by PMPE-IDP, IDP understands that a well-conducted Master's internationalization process is essential, with relevant investment in the exchange of experience with highly reputable institutions in Brazil and abroad, publication of reputable journals , international research projects and participation in events abroad. The IDP offers its teachers and students the opportunity to undertake exchange programs at renowned educational institutions abroad. The objective of these partnerships is to ensure PMPE-IDP participants can exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences with academics and professionals from other countries.
This is a differential of PMPE-IDP that allows teachers to deepen their networks of contacts and students to contact other experiences and realities, as well as the construction of a network with international references in the area of Economics.
We understand that these partnerships are in accordance with the concept of internationalization of a stricto sensu postgraduate program defined in the Area Document, which establishes that internationalization “generates a virtuous circle and results in the attraction of foreign students and researchers that contribute to establishing and strengthening research centers, contributing to advances in the quality of academic excellence in the area”.
It is noteworthy that the IDP has already been adopting such a policy at the Institution, encouraging and promoting broad international insertion of the Master's in Law, Master's in Public Administration and Master's in Economics programs. The international agreements currently signed by IDP and in force with international institutions, which establish and jointly develop teaching and research activities, exchange of students, researchers and teachers, as well as the shared publication of articles, are the following:
•Penn State University – Pennsylvania, USA
•École Nationale d'Administration (ENA) – Paris, France
•The University of Texas at Austin – USA
•American University – Washington, DC, USA
•Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship – Berlin, Germany
•Berkeley International Study Program – USA
•The University of Oklahoma - USA
•Nova Lisboa University – Portugal
•University of Granada - Spain
•University of Macau - China
PMPE intends to expand international agreements to other internationally renowned institutions in the area of Economics, taking advantage, initially, of the network of contacts already built by the PMPE-IDP faculty, in order to achieve maximum academic excellence in the area.
In 2020, it is important to mention among the most relevant results of partnerships within the scope of current exchanges the subject offered to IDP master's students "Introduction to Political Risk Analysis", entirely in English, taught by Professor Matthew Taylor, from American University.
In this aspect, it is worth highlighting that the permanent teaching staff at PMPE-IDP has deep experience of academic and professional production with excellent foreign institutions.
More than half of our faculty, in fact, had a doctorate degree or post-doctoral studies abroad, in addition to spending time as a visiting professor or researcher in first-class foreign institutions. Due to the careful analysis carried out of the most recent Assessment Report's Area Document, the academic and professional production experience of the teachers (detailed in the teachers' CV) indicates that it is in line with the Capes criteria for evaluating Programs with a grade of 5 or higher education, which shows the quality of the teaching staff of the proposal.
An example of this is the positioning of our teachers in the Brazilian Ranking of authors in RePEC. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), according to its own definition, is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to improve the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The core of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, book chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The collected data is used in various services that serve the collected metadata to users or enhance it.
To date, more than 2,000 archives from 102 countries have contributed nearly 3 million searches from 3,500 journals and 5,000 working paper series. More than 57,000 authors have registered and 75,000 email subscriptions are fulfilled weekly.
RePEc makes global and national rankings of institutions and authors, according to the impact of their productions. In the Brazilian Ranking, which contains 190 positions, PMPE-IDP has five permanent professors, a very high number, surpassing the number of professors of some academic master's degrees with a concept of five.
The Brazilian ranking can be consulted via the link: The aforementioned permanent teachers appearing in the ranking are, in order:
• Adolfo Sachsida;
• José Luiz Rossi Júnior;
• Guilherme Mendes Resende;
• Gustavo José de Guimarães e Souza;
• Leonardo Monteiro Monastery.
It should also be noted that, in carrying out their professional activities in addition to teaching, part of the PMPE teaching staff works in direct contact with foreign researchers who have a great impact in the area. Special mention is made of professors José Luiz Rossi Jr (Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB), Guilherme Resende (Chief Economist at CADE) and Leonardo Monastério (ENAP and IPEA).
As an example of this internationalization allowed by the work of these professionals, in the optional subject offered in 2020 "Challenges of Infrastructure Regulation in Brazil", there was a lecture by professor Tomás Serebrisky, doctor from the University of Chicago and head of economic advisory at the Department of Transport and IDB Energy, in Washington.
Also mentioned as the promotion of internationalization promoted by the teachers' contact network, the Podcast "Ctrl Enter", organized by PMPE-IDP teacher Leonardo Monastério, received international researchers, as in the episode with William Summerhill (UCLA), about his article "Big Social Savings in a Small Laggard Economy: Railroad-Led Growth in Brazil", and the first episode of the podcast, with Alberto Cairo (Univ. Miami), about data visualization.
As already mentioned, the IDP Master's Program in Economics has an incentive policy for the Program's teachers to participate in events abroad, to present work, take courses and work as a visiting professor.
In addition to the monetary incentive value for publishing articles qualified by CAPES, for participation in international events, the IDP pays for registration at the international event, assistance equivalent to US$500 and payment for airfare.