The best summer courses to study without rushing, in the comfort of your home, and get a head start on 2021 with lots of knowledge.
Check out the menu of summer courses we have prepared to boost your training and career.
IDP RESEARCH IMMERSION is an excellent program for training in scientific research. In addition to consolidating introductory notions about scientific research, the program aims to provide undergraduate Law students with an intensive experience of contact with empirical and innovative methods, from an interdisciplinary and multisectoral perspective.
There will be two modules: in the module “Think like a researcher!” Introductory notions about scientific research in Law will be covered, focusing on empirical methods. In this first stage, you will have the opportunity to participate in an intensive four-hour meeting and understand all the important aspects of the topic. In the “Do it yourself” Module, you will have contact with an overview of some of the most important empirical research methods in Law, such as: qualitative and quantitative methods, archival ethnography, focus groups and the use of interviews. There will be 4 meetings and in each of them, the methods used in research relevant to legal science will be analyzed, exposed by the researchers responsible for the studies. It will be your opportunity to debate with renowned researchers in the field of Law and learn in practice the application of innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies.
It is a course for those who want to dive into the world of research, challenge their knowledge and significantly improve their CV. Don't miss this opportunity!
Experiencing quality scientific research has been an increasingly important differentiator for all professional areas of legal careers.
With this in mind, the IDP Law degree launched RESEARCH INTERNSHIP, a program to provide students with practical experience in scientific research. Take advantage of the summer to improve your resume and have practical experience with scientific research!
RESEARCH INTERNSHIP 2021 is a fully virtual short-term research internship opportunity. Lasting three months, the program aims to encourage the participation of students in academic activities focused on scientific research, linked to IDP professors who will coordinate the activities. Places are limited and the three best placed will receive a scholarship of R$500.00 for the duration of the internship. At the end of the internship, 50 additional hours will be validated for the participants, subject to evaluation by the supervising teacher.
Check the available research lines in the notice and sign up by 01/12 via Google Form.
Questions should be sent to
Choose the course, study in the comfort of your home and with direct interaction with your teachers.
Registration:Enrollment must be done exclusively via the Student Portal.
Summer Subjects | Teacher | Hours/date | Shift |
LAW, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION | Afonso Belice | 80 hrs - 01/18 to 02/12 | evening - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm |
OPTIONAL VIII - CIVIL LIABILITY | Danilo Porfírio | 40 hrs - 01/18 to 01/29 | evening - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm |
LEGAL PRACTICE II | Cristiane Damasceno | 80 hrs - 01/18 to 02/12 | morning - 08:00 to 11:40 |
OPTIONAL LXXX - TAXATION, RULE OF LAW AND FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS | Onizia Pignataro | 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02 | evening - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm |
SPECIAL TOPICS - EUROPEAN UNION LAW | Marcelo do Val | 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02 | afternoon - 2:00 pm to 5:40 pm |
LEGAL SOCIOLOGY | Rafael Silveira | 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02 | morning - 08:00 to 11:40 |
Teacher: Afonso Belice
Hours/date: 80 hrs - 18/01 to 12/02
Shift: night - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm
Teacher: Afonso Belice
Hours/date: 80 hrs - 18/01 to 12/02
Shift: night - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm
Summer Subjects: LEGAL PRACTICE II
Teacher: Cristiane Damasceno
Hours/date: 80 hrs - 01/18 to 02/12
Shift: morning - 08:00 to 11:40
Teacher: Onizia Pignataro
Hours/date: 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02
Shift: night - 7:00 pm to 10:40 pm
Teacher: Marcelo do Val
Hours/date: 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02
Shift: afternoon - 2:00 pm to 5:40 pm
Summer Subjects: LEGAL SOCIOLOGY
Teacher: Rafael Silveira
Hours/date: 40 hrs - 01/02 to 12/02
Shift: morning - 08:00 to 11:40
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Every Monday in February From 3pm to 4:30pm
Activity developed by the institutional monitoring of the Law degree.
01/25 - Lívia Barros and Nathália Mendes, guest José Ricardo Menacho Tramarin de Oliveira Carvalho
Why Law and Literature? Reading experiences in short stories by Machado de Assis
Short stories: Medallion theory; The most serene Republic
01/02 - Larissa Bello and guest José Ricardo Menacho Tramarin de Oliveira Carvalho
Reflections on labor law
Work: Diário de Bitita, by Carolina Maria de Jesus
02/08 - Ladyane Souza and Amanda Carvalho and Guest Olavo Hamilton
Critical Criminology
Captains of the Sand, Jorge Amado.
02/22 - Bianca Nascimento and Thalita Callegaro
Totalitarianism and domination
Work: Animal Farm, by George Orwell
Places are limited and the results will be published
on our website on February 5th.
The Online Exchange Program is the program you have been waiting for to be able to undertake an international exchange in 2021! In partnership with NOVA School of Law at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the Online Exchange Program aims to provide an international experience to undergraduate Law students, also enabling improvement with subjects in English, and also with subjects in Portuguese.
10 places will be offered in the following subjects: Criminal Law: Specific Offenses; Macroeconomics; Legal Drafting; Legal Anthropology; (in English); and Special Administrative Law (in Portuguese). There are two vacancies for each subject, which has a prerequisite to be met for the student to apply, as well as corresponding to an optional subject in our curriculum (for more information, see the notice). The subjects will be taught online, by professors from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Classes start on February 18th, and you have until February 1st to register. The results of the selected students will be made available from February 5th. Don't miss this opportunity!
Exchange participants will receive
40 additional hours of
I want to embark on this digital exchange
Places are limited and the results will be published
on our website on February 5th.
Rights Guarantee System Summary: Minorist perspective, consolidation of the Child and Adolescent Statute, implementation of the Guardianship Council, legislation and protection network.
Keka Bagno
On 02/04/2021, at 7pm
Sexual violence and specialized listening (Law nº 13,431, of April 4, 2017) Syllabus: Types of sexual violence and listening.
Keka Bagno and Perla Ribeiro
On 02/11/2021, at 7pm
Rights, violence and violations Syllabus: Diversity of gender, sexual, territory, race/ethnicity and religion. Family conflict, domestic, intra- and extra-family violence, lack of public policies (education, health, social assistance, security and culture/leisure).
Keka Bagno and Leonardo Ortegal
On 02/18/2021, at 7pm
Socio-educational system and implementation of SINASE. Syllabus: The types of measures and the guarantee of SINASE: structural challenges.
Keka Bagno and Luana Euzébio
On 02/25/2021, at 7pm
The role of specialized prosecutors’ offices and the Public Defender’s Office in the protection network. Syllabus: Action of the Public Prosecutor's Office from the perspective of childhood and adolescence and the Public Defender's Office in guaranteeing human rights.
With Keka Bagno and Luísa de Marillac
On 03/04/2021, at 7pm
Places are limited and the results will be published
on our website on February 5th.
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